Track Your Order
Confirmation page
A beautiful sign that your hunger is about to end.
This will show you the necessities like:
Status of your order, scheduled delivery or pickup time, confirmation code, total, and summary of your order.
And some other fun things like:
• "Add order to my favorites" so you can sign in and repeat the entire order with 1-click the next time you order - holy guacamole that's pretty neat.
• Review your experience - Match your emotions to our rating faces to rate your experience with us, the restaurant, delivery, etc.
Confirmation email
Possibly one of the emails you'll actually want to receive from us. This includes your receipt from your order, order number, link to order details, restaurant contact information, and order time.
Need the status of your order?
Whether you're just curious or hunger is starting to set in, you can check the status of your order through your confirmation email and clicking "order details" or call the restaurant number that is provided.